lundi 11 novembre 2013

Why did I even publish last post ? 
Anyway, I still feel like writing. My blog has no structure but no one is reading so I shouldn't care about that. But if someone is reading I don't think that should change anything my brain has no structure either. 
I am brainstorming too much. But this is since I was a little girl so I'm used to it. I personnaly think that brainstorming is important because you're more laid back and you think more when shit happens. I am a very "zen" person, I think a lot before I act, and I never act crazy. People tell me that the more you think the less you live but I don't think so. Thinking helps you to make less mistakes. But I admit that sometimes you should forget a little bit your mind (with moderation) and act with your heart. And it is when you do that that real things happen to you. I don't mean things like "do cocain" but for exemple tell the person you love that you do even if your brain tell you no to. Crazy stuffs never really happened to me. Okay I lived funny stuffs but no "wow" stuffs. But I don't search for it, if it has to come, it will. It is when you don't search that you find. I would like to point out something though. It is not by laying in your bed that you will have the crazy life you want to have. It is like in the famous drawing (I don't even know if it began with a drawing but anyway) were it is said that "Where the magic happens is out of your comfort zone." And I think that it is pretty much true. 

That's it for today I guess. 

Fuck it

I wrote a post and blogger didn't save it. I hate it I feel pissed off right now. It's just so annoying I don't feel like writing anymore for the moment. Maybe later, maybe tomorow. As a reminder for myself in case I decide to write it again it was talking about : 
- how The Perks was inspiring me
- the tones of work knocking me out
- why my biggest wish by now is to get in  my unis in England